DOB: 2/01/2021
Mouth: Correct
Class: Commercial
Teats: 1, NF X 1, NF
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: VTZ Boer Goats

If I wasn’t cutting back hard on my commercial does, this one would not be leaving.
She sells **CONFIRMED BRED** to VTZ Barrel Proof (he is sired by Show Me Boers Bootlegger). He is my percentage buck that has won multiple champion awards and made some really cool kids.
She has been a great producer. She has kidded once, unassisted this past April, was a good mother and raised some fine kids. Visualized breeding on August 13 for kids due around January 10, 2025.
DOB: 12-28-2022
Mouth: Correct
Class: Fullblood
Teats: 1X1
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: J&M Show Goats

This beautiful, black, broody, paint doe is super friendly. Out of our black dapple JAD SRB Evo's Triggerman buck, over our red dapple MGS1 Sunset Smokin Foxy Affair (sells confirmed bred Sept 24th in the Rebels For A Cause Sale, lot 7). Clean teated 1x1 just like her dam.
She had a great spring at shows, picking up 34 points and an overall grand fullblood doe title. She has been on pasture with little grain since June, and we feel has lost enough weight to take home and breed! Her legs do get tired on trailer rides (she doesn't lay down), but she is first to the feeder from the pasture. Breed her to your favorite buck and get some great show kids for next year!
Clean tested for CAE & Johne's in August 2024.
*Doe needs to be picked up within two weeks unless previously arranged with seller or daily boarding/feed fee will be charged
DOB: 6/02/2023
Mouth: Correct
Class: Fullblood
Teats: 2x2 w/ tiny nfs
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: Tana Brinkman

I’d take a whole herd of does like this one. Was my favorite of the 2023 crop and is still one of my all-time favorites that I’ve produced. DeeLite’s bootie isn’t fat and fluff and she has spent most of her life running out and not pushed. She is by my long bodied, heavy hipped black son of King Pin (all Ennobled) and her dam is a cross of my Res Nat Champ 12-16 Trump H3 who was out of parents both Ennobled & National Champions. Her bottom grand-dam F69 was one of my matriarch does with every one of her daughters making the keeper pen and themselves good producers including her dam J069 with 26 ABGA points. DeeLite was shown a few weekends this summer and even though short aged 12-16 she competed well and always received judges’ compliments. This an interesting cross of genetics as her DNA allows her to fit in the brood herds of those looking for several desirable traits: Correct conformation, great head, top color genetics, consistent producing matriarchs and Nat Champs, Ennobled point earners and producers. If it weren’t for my upcoming surgery changing my fall/winter plans, I would have continued to show this doe, then forever used her in my brood herd. Reproductively untouched. If any questions 308-201-0506
Lot 34: 2RSG MOUSE
DOB: 12-25-2020
Mouth: Correct
Class: Fullblood
Teats: 2x2 nf
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: 2R Show Goats

Mouse is another doe that would not be leaving if we were not drastically cutting numbers. Mouse kidded twin bucks in March and is a great mom. She has been exposed to DBL-D 100 PROOF ENNOBLED since 8/13.
Lot 35: MARLEE
DOB: 03-23-2023
Mouth: Correct
Class: Percentage
Teats: 1x2
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 75%
Consignor: C & H Boer Goats

This younger doe is a generational doe for us because of her old school genetics and great motherly instincts. She won't be a show doe but she will be one that takes care of her kids and be a producer whether you do live breeding or AI. She is confirmed bred to our Junior Sire as of 9/19/24. She is carrying 2+ and she is around 45 days. Her registration number is pending... will had once I receive.
DOB: 01-08-2024
Mouth: Correct
Class: Percentage
Teats: 2x2
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: Post Rock Boer Goats

A promising junior doe for your percentage program. Daughter of the solid black buck 2CCB KINGPIN'S BLACKOUT *ENN*, she has color in her pedigree that will come out in her future kids. Her dam has produced point earners every year. I’m A Frosty Girl will not disappoint.
DOB: 4/02/2023
Mouth: Correct
Class: Purebred
Teats: 1x1
Sex: Doe
Consignor: Moraczewski Oak Creek Farm

Here’s a doe 87.5% that’s stout has power, super thick doe that has a tremendous top with a massive hindquarter. PARTY PLAYER Sire goes back to Terry Taylor pedigree and some outstanding breeders. Her pedigree and genetics have been proven to produce some outstanding kids for the new owner. She has an all dark brown headed traditional doe with ultra-wide front end and very long. This doe is going to be a great brood doe. She has a 1X1 teat structure, bites good, pigment 95% and is reproductively untouched.
DOB: 02-25-2024
Mouth: Correct
Class: Fullblood
Teats: 2x2
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 50%
Consignor: BAMF

Gorgonzola is a product of two ennobled bucks we've utilized on our farm (BAMF Top Cheddar *Ennobled* over RMA2 Hot Topic *Ennobled*). She is a growthy, soft centered, maternal made doe. She would make a great doe for a young showman. Easy to handle and has been shown. A little light on her pigment, but has a correct bite and 2x2 teats.
DOB: 02-11-2019
Mouth: Correct
Class: Percentage
Teats: 2x2/small spur
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: Rebel Mountain Ranch Boer Goats

Introducing Caprioles French Maid, a gorgeous huge black paint doe who’s exceptionally made and an amazing mother. She sells confirmed bred to our award-winning percentage buck, RMBG Shamrock, with kids due around Thanksgiving. If you're looking for true quality livestock, this doe delivers exactly that—French Maid is the total package, ready to bring outstanding offspring to your herd!
DOB: 06-05-2022
Mouth: Correct
Class: Fullblood
Teats: 2x2 nub
Sex: Doe
Pigment: 100%
Consignor: 2R Show Goats

This is a doe that we purchased from the Tana Brinkman dispersal sale. She was shown in two shows and has 2 points. She kidded a buck and a doe in May so she is selling open.